# How to play

niceRO is fairly easy to setup, but because this is a legacy game there are still a few steps involved before you can start crawling the sewers:


## 1. Create your account

First, you need to sign up for an account to log on to the server.

1. Visit the control panel at [account.ragnarok.gay](https://account.ragnarok.gay) or [](
2. Click "Login" in the top nav bar, and then "Register" under the input fields.
3. Add a name (you'll choose a character name later, so just enter something easy to remember).
4. Add a password (make sure to write it down or save it).
5. Enter a recovery word (this will be used if you need to reset your password.
6. Read the rules.
7. Click "Register account."

You're account is now ready to use! You can close this page now if you want, or check out [[Using the control panel]] for other things you can learn here.

## 2. Setting up the client

To actually play niceRO you will need to use the specific Ragnarok Online client setup for this server.

**Downloading and extracting the client**
1. Download the latest version of the client from [download.ragnarok.gay](https://download.ragnarok.gay) or the [niceRO cohost page](https://cohost.org/niceRO/post/3887235-welcome-to-nice-ro).
2. Extract the zip file somewhere (I recommend creating a /games folder in Program Files (x86), but anywhere you can easily access the folder is fine).

**Configuring compatibility mode**
1. Open the `niceRO_client` folder, right click on `Setup.exe`, click "Properties", and navigate to the "Compatibility" tab.
2. Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)."
3. Check "Run this program as an administrator."
4. Click "Change high DPI settings," check both boxes, and click "OK" to close the DPI settings window.
5. Click "OK" to close the Properties window.
6. Complete steps 1-5 for `Ragnarok.exe`.

**Adjusting your video settings**
1. Open `Setup.exe` (if the first two dropdown menus are blank, close the window, rename `dbghelp.dll` to `dgbhelp_old.dll` and try again).
2. Select your video card and set your resolution (note: the UI will not resize based on your resolution, so if it's too small I recommend setting a smaller resolution and then enlarging the window using a tool like [Borderless Gaming](https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases) or [Shift Window](http://grismar.net/shiftwindow/)
3. Click "OK."

## 3. Launching the game

Now that you've completed all the above steps you are (hopefully) finally ready to actually launch the game!

1. Open `Ragnarok.exe`.
2. Click "OK"/"확인" to select niceRO from the server list (the only option).
3. Enter the username and password of the account you created from the "Create your account" step and click "login"/"접속" to log on to niceRO.
5. Click "OK"/"확인" to select the niceRO server again (the number represents how many players are currently online).
6. Click "make"/"만들기" to create a new character (if you need help choosing stats for your character [[Choosing starter stats]] for recommendations for each job).
7. Click "OK"/"확인" to finalize your creation choices and "Confirm"/"확인" again to log-in with your new character.

Congratulations! You are now officially playing niceRO.