niceRO changelog

1/29/24: Server Update #10

New Features

  • We also have a feedback form for feature requests / bug reports now, if you don't want to use Cohost Asks.
  • The Xmas events are over.
    • The snow is still there though for another month! Sorry for not making an official announcement in advance. I just didn't want to update the server again just for that, so I turned them off before January ends. X___X
  • Added a Card Remover NPC in Prontera. Lower rates than usual and 100% chance of success!
  • Added the second Socket Enchanting NPC — Leablem.
    • At the moment he only has Undershirt[1] and Scimitar[3] enabled. I will be enabling more weapons / armor when they are added to the client.
  • We have a new War of Emperium schedule! Thanks for all your feedback!
Tuesday 0AM-1AM 7PM-8PM 4PM-5PM
Saturday 5-7PM 12PM-2PM 9AM-11AM
  • Increased the Success Rates when Refining weapons / armor:
Type LV1 LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5 LV6 LV7 LV8 LV9 LV10
Armor 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 50
LV1 Weapons 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 80 70
LV2 Weapons 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60
LV3 Weapons 100 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50
LV4 Weapons 100 100 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 50
  • Added new bonus skills for Pets with the Looting skill.
    • Since most of us probably use autoloot, the Looting skill was not doing much, so I spent a considerable amount of time modifying the original server code for Pets to enable new skills for Pets to perform! (: I might change some of the rates / items for these Pets in the future.
Name New Bonus Skill
Poring 10% chance to drop Empty Bottle from all mobs.
Drops 5% chance to drop Juices from Water Element mobs.
Poporing 5% chance to drop Herbs from Plant Race mobs.
Yoyo 5% chance to drop Fruits from all mobs.
  • Added my first little custom quest to the game: Treasure Hunt!
    • Search for Treasure Signs in obscure places all around the world to find zeny and boxes of various kinds. Right now there are 6 Treasure Signs in the game, and I'll be posting Geoguessr-style screenshots here on cohost every week as hints. I'm planning to be adding more of them with each server update, so I hope you'll enjoy this activity! Oh, and keep in mind that this quest is account-bound.
  • Added an already existing custom quest for making Sunglasses[1]. Look for the Sunglasses Trader in Alberta!
  • Added a Kafra to the Central Square in Prontera.
  • Added a Tool Dealer to the Weapon Shop in Einbroch.
  • Connected Pharos with Izlude and Alberta by sea. You can now go to Beacon Island, Pharos from Izlude and Alberta by sea.
  • Made an Emergency Exit on the Airship between Izlude and Yuno. See for yourself. ^__^
  • Changed Kobold names according to their weapons, similar to Goblins:
    • Club Kobold
    • Axe Kobold
    • Hammer Kobold
  • Improved the Thief Class Steal skill algorithm to ensure there's always a chance to steal any non-card item.
    • Turns out, the original algorithm for this skill was going by the mob's Drop Item List in the order presented in the database. That means if your Steal Rate is very high and some of the first drop items have a very high Drop Rate — your chances of getting something rare from those mobs are close to nothing. I improved the algorithm by randomly shuffling the Drop Item List before going through it to ensure not getting stuck on the first high drop rate item.
  • The Steal Rate is now affected by the character's LUK stat, same principle as the usual Drop Rate.
  • Disabled Pet Intimacy drop when the player character dies.
  • Lowered the Base Level requirement for slotted accessories: Brooch[1], Necklace[1], Glove[1], Ring[1], Rosary[1], and Earring[1].
  • Disabled noteleport rule for Einbroch, Einbech, Yuno, Lighthalzen. This means you can now use Fly Wings and Teleport Lv. 1 on these maps.
  • Changed Einbroch Hotel fee to 500zeny, same price as all the Inns.
  • Placed Fishmonger NPC in Alberta near the fish counter.
  • Placed Hair Stylist NPC in Alberta inside the Alberta South Inn.
  • Got rid of the “Mr. / Ms.” and "boyfriend / girlfriend" stuff in Training Grounds scripts.

New Fixes

  • Teleport skill doesn't open menu on Level 1 now.
  • Disabled the wavy screen visual effect of the Hallucination skill.
  • Added underscore symbol (_) to the list of allowed symbols in Character / Guild / Pet names.
  • FIXED: Wickerbine Tres didn't drop Rogue's Treasure.
  • FIXED: Condensed Potion Manual was not given to Job Level 50 Merchant at the Alchemist exam.
  • FIXED: The Poring didn't spawn during the Dancer exam, so the exam couldn't be finished successfully.
  • FIXED: One of the New Mage Manager quests didn't have an end dialogue button, which softlocked the player.
  • FIXED: Prontera East Side Inn had a regeneration spawn at the Meat Boy’s room.

Failed Changes

  • FAILED: Implementing the Mail System.
    • Spent several days on successfully implementing the server side of it just to hit an unsolvable roadblock of all the old client .exe files I could find having the Inbox Menu disabled on the client side. T__T

Known Issues

  • We still have several skill descriptions breaking the game.


  • After a break I'm going back to the client to fix the client-side bugs and prepare an auto-patcher.

1/14/24: Server Update #9

New Features

  • Pets Attacking Mobs is now enabled.
    • I kinda missed that option in the config file, so only found out about it being off a couple of days ago.
    • The Pet Intimacy value must be 90% for them to start fighting by your side.
    • Your Pets will attack mobs when you attack one, or when you get hit by one.
    • In order for Pets to use their special skills when attacking they must have their accessory equipped. What special skills does each Pet have in our version of RO? Check out Pet skills for a non-comprehensive list.
    • When your Pet kills a mob, you get 100% EXP from that mob.
    • Your Pet's level is now dynamic and equals 1/2 of your Character's Base Level.
    • There is a cap on each type of pet's attack: ATK1 cap is set to 1000, ATK2 is set to 2000. I'm not sure what attacks those fields refer to, but I'll figure it out later, lol.
  • Increased Hair Styles available at Hair Stylist NPC in Alberta from 19 to 23: 4 new masc hair styles and 4 new fem hair styles!
    • I also had to rewrite the NPC script, because it was a mess, and I added Hair Style descriptions from a later RE eAthena version.
    • You can now continue browsing Hair Styles without having to start the conversation again after choosing one.
  • Socket Enchanting doesn't have a FAIL STATE now! 100% SUCCESS RATE. Feel free to socket enchant your weapons / armor if you have all the items needed for that.
  • Improved Socket Enchanting NPC script.
    • Replaced the one we had with a script from a later RE eAthena version. The Socket Enchanting NPCs should now match with the information provided on the RateMyServer page.
    • BUT I had to turn off Leablem completely for now, because he has a lot of Episode 12 items that are not even on the client, but also are not present on our server at the moment.
    • I also had to disable items at Seiyablem that we have on the server, but don't have on our client yet.
  • Renamed each Goblin type according to the weapon they have, similar to their names in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love:
    • Knife Goblin
    • Flail Goblin
    • Axe Goblin
    • Hammer Goblin
    • Club Goblin
  • Added mob levels showing next to mob names.
    • This should be helpful for approximating drop rates, steal rates, and hopefully for new players in general.

New Fixes

  • FIXED: Dropped Ninja Daggers break the game.
    • I had to remove weapons 13006-13020 from dropping, because we don't have them yet on the client, similar to shurikens and guns.
  • FIXED: Geffen Inn regeneration spawn is placed on top of an NPC.

Known Issues

  • Reading the description of Hunter's Blitz Beat and Crusader's Grand Cross skills crashes the game.

1/6/24: Server Update #8

New Fixes

  • First of all, please don't forget to update your client with a new Client Patch #4 that I've just published. It fixes the TaeKwon Mission skill and the Emsolute Develop guild skill description.
  • FIXED: Certain mobs dropping UNKNOWN_ITEM items instead of 131XX or 133XX items. Sorry again for this bug in the yesterday's server update. It should work as intended now — not dropping anything suspicious at all.

New Features

  • Changed Guild Level EXP values to much lower ones from RE servers.
  • Guild EXP Tax is not subtracting Base EXP from your character now. Players continue to receive all of their Base EXP, no matter how high their Guild Tax percent is.
  • Maximum Guild EXP Tax Rate is now raised from 50% to 99%, since leveling up a character and leveling up a guild are completely parallel things now. I would have allowed 100%, but the client UI only supports 2 digits in the Position Tax field.
  • For TaeKwon Mission skill I removed the 1% probability of changing the mission target when the mission counter is at 0. Now it just changes the target randomly every time you use the skill if your mission counter is at 0 — feel free to shuffle through mobs however you like.
  • Added Oranges, Grapes, and Strawberries for sale at Fruit Merchant in Izlude.

1/6/24: Client Patch 06012024 #4

New Fixes

  • FIXED: TaeKwon Mission skill is broken.
    • Turns out, once again, the problem was in translation files: one of the critical text lines for this skill was missing, and another one was in its place. I've also added some later lines that were missing from the translation file.
  • FIXED: Emsolute Develop guild skill description is broken.
    • I've fixed it for this skill, but the same broken description can pop up in the Emergency Call description now. Will see what I can do with that one later if that's the case.

Patch download link

1/5/24: Status Notes #7

New Fixes

  • FIXED: Guild Creation is broken.
    • Guilds should work fine now (tested: creation process, editing guild emblem, adding players to your guild, editing guild positions, editing guild notice). For some changes you might need to rejoin the game. I couldn't test every guild feature, so please let me know if anything goes wrong. 🙏
  • FIXED: Dropping Ninja or Gunslinger weapons is breaking the client.
    • I removed all 131XX and 133XX mob drops, while I'm still figuring out how to patch our clients with later updates.
  • FIXED: Clothes Dyeing feature is turned off in the NPC script. Turned it on and tested on an acolyte. Should be working now!
  • FIXED: Dye Maker JavaDullihan having "Missing test. Under development." lines.

New Features

  • ADDED: Kafra with the Save function in Lutie, near the Toy Factory entrance.
  • ADDED: Save function to Kafra on Treasure Island.

Known Issues

  • TaeKwon Missions not working. I'm going to start researching this bug now that I'm done with guilds.

1/4/24: Server Bugs #1

  • TaeKwon Missions are broken. I was too quick to call the TaeKwon class fix when in fact one of it's big features seems to be completely broken. Big thanks to @jacketbuttons and @wingblade for telling me about it. I'm yet to look into it.
  • Guild Creation is still broken. My attempts to fix it haven't been successful yet, but I really hope I can figure something out.
  • Dropping Gunslinger / Ninja weapons from a mob (Metaling, for example) can break your game, since these items are not on the client. We have an unfortunate version of data.gpf that didn't get the last episode 10 update with these two classes, but our server is a newer one, so it has all that stuff and more from up to February 2007, and it's happily dropping these missing items, lol. I will turn off the ones I know about on the server side, so nobody would drop them accidentally, and then, later, I will attempt to actually set up an auto-patcher and upgrade our clients to the Rachel update (at least for the items alone).
  • If you happen to pick up a missing item (most likely Crimson Bolt) and it breaks your inventory — please let me know and I'll remove it manually from your character.

Bugs can be reported via cohost asks

1/2/24: Status Notes #6

New Features

  • Increased Max Party Capacity from 12 to 24 party members! We'll still have to test it on our live server with real people, but it should work I think??
  • Replaced the ultra hard requirements for changing character's hair style with a simple 10,000 zeny fee. Have fun at the Hair Stylist in Alberta!
  • Added Save function to Kafras at the following locations: Archer's Village, Byalan Island, Morroc Ruins.
  • Changed fees from 10,000 zeny to 2,500 zeny for going from Alberta to the following locations: Louyang, Amatsu, Gonryun, Ayothaya. Safe travels!
  • Changed inn fees for taking rest there from 5,000 zeny to 500 zeny. It's a neat feature that more people might use now!
  • Added new Hugel NPCs from later eAthena server versions! Now Hugel should look more lively.
  • Added Arrows for sale at Tool Dealers in Lutie and Al De Baran.
  • Enabled console messages saying who got your dropped item when Item Share is enabled in a party.

New Fixes

  • FIXED: Father Mareusis lying to novices that they need "novice job level 9" to become an acolyte. You, of course, need novice job level 10.
  • FIXED: Reset Girl resetting quest skills along with all the other skills. This shouldn't happen now.

Rejected changes

  • REJECTED: Unfortunately, it's not possible to increase the Friend List Capacity on the client side :( Even if I set it to something that is more than default 40 on the server — it still only shows me the first 40 friends. I will have to admit my defeat with this request, at least for now.

Known Issues

  • The Guild Creation feature is still broken and I'm still trying to fix it, so please don't try to create a guild or you'll just lose your emperium 🙏

1/2/24: Client Patch 02012024 #3

New Features

  • Increased maximum message length in Main Chat Box, Chat Room Box, Private Message Box to 234 symbols. It's a miracle that some of the old plugins for Shin's Diff Patcher support our 2006 client .exe file T__T
    • Though I need to warn you that if you decide to go full 234 symbols — some part of the message may be cut, depending on the length of your nickname and additional symbols that the game adds automatically to the message, because there's still a 256-char-long buffer on the server side. But still! This should be more than enough! Yay!

New Fixes

  • FIXED: TaeKwon class skills descriptions are broken. Thanks to @wingblade and @somethingorodder for notifying me of this issue! And huge thanks to @BOOitsnathalie for converting this skill descriptions table by Sandalphon into the format that our client can read and also (again) to Ragnarok Online Translation Project. By combining these two and deciding to go with iRO skill names I think I've at least achieved a functional character class. There have to be some mistakes left in the text, so if you notice some inconsistencies — please send them my way!
  • FIXED: Assassin's platinum skills descriptions are broken. Thanks to @LowPolyRobot for noticing this bug! Again, with new skill descriptions table this should work as intended now. Hopefully!
  • While at it with skill names I renamed some of the Wedding and Adoption skills to be more universal:
    • Both WE_MALE and WE_FEMALE are now called I'll save you
    • WE_BABY is now called arents, I love you!
    • WE_CALLPARENT is now called Parents, I miss you!

Patch download link

12/28/23: Client Patch 28122023 #2

New Fixes

  • FIXED: No music or wrong music (Main Menu Theme) was playing in some of the game locations: Hugel, Hugel surroundings, Training Grounds. I had to update some data files with newer versions again, but also had to add the missing BGM files from 93 to 113, so this patch is heavier than the previous one.
  • FIXED: Some of the game locations were showing Unknown Area when using /where command: Hugel, Hugel surroundings, Training Grounds.
  • Replaced "Gypsy" class mentions with "Diva" everywhere in the English translation files. This change also applies to Dancer's "Gypsy's Kiss" skill, which is now "Diva's Kiss". Still have to look through the server scripts to make the same changes, but it's coming in the next server update.

Patch download link

12/26/23: Status Notes #5

New Features

  • Brought back player skull items that drop when players die (now that they are recognizable by the client with the patch installed).
  • Removed Gremlin and Rotar Zairo mobs from airships to make air travel more accessible to lower level players.
  • Added permissions to save portals for some of the locations I missed last time: Payon's Archer Village, Yuno, Lighthalzen, Einbech, Einbroch.

12/26/23: Client Patch 25122023 #1

New Fixes

  • FIXED: Most of the Unknown Items, if not all, should be fixed with this patch. Turns out, the English translation files I've been using for the client were lacking a lot of item descriptions, but thanks to this Ragnarok Online Translation Project I could replace those files with the newer ones. The earliest translation files I used in this patch were meant for 2012 clients though (ours is from 2006), so if there are any inconsistencies in the item descriptions — please let me know!
  • FIXED: Thanks to the same Ragnarok Online Translation Project we now have properly translated Tips Of The Day! They will be showing up in a dedicated window every time you will load into the game (you can turn them off).
  • Replaced the E-mail Address mentions with Account Recovery Word in pop-ups when deleting a character.

Patch download link

12/24/23: Status Notes #4

New Features

  • Kafra Storage is FREE to use now. They took a 40z fee before, but even this was really inconvenient if you constantly forgot to put stuff in or out and had to open the storage several times in a row, especially for new characters with no money.
  • A pet owner should now receive additional EXP for their pets doing damage on mobs.
  • You can now rename your pets more than one time. I don't know how it works, we'll need to test it later.
  • Acolyte class characters can now save their portals in all Field Locations. No saving portals in dungeons, sorry. Gotta do it the hard way 💀
  • Removed the @party command for party creation to not confuse the players. Please only use /organize party_name to create parties — this way you can adjust Exp Share and Item Share parameters properly.

12/20/23: Status Notes #3

New Features

  • All party members now receive the same 100% amount of base and job exp from killed mobs if exp share is set to Each Share in the party settings.
  • Exp share is now allowed between party members of any base level. Go on and help your friends breeze through the novice stage if you want :)
  • Added: New NPC in Prontera to reset your skill points and / or stat points (you'll need to rejoin the game right away to see the changes). If you feel like you need to readjust your current stats — feel free to talk to Reset Girl in Prontera.

Known Issues

  • We started figuring out some of the Unknown Item identities. For some reason right now the client can't identify Oranges and Strawberries (among many other "unknown items"), which is weird, because I totally remember these items from when I was playing the game back in 2006. Hope this won't be a big issue for the players, because I'm still not sure how to approach this problem.

12/19/23: Status Notes #2

New Features

  • New Xmas / New Year quest! I think you should look for a guy in Prontera to get more info about it.
  • It's snowing in every town now! Hope it will create holiday atmosphere for you, at least a little :)

New Fixes

  • FIXED: I've fixed Prontera!! It's now walkable and both West Gate and South Gate warps are functional! Yay! Turned out there was an old map cache on the server side, and I had to rebuild it from the client data file.
  • Deactivated the "player_character_name's Unknown Item" drop (these should have been players' skulls, lol). Hopefully, I'll bring it back later!

12/18/23: Status Notes #1

New Features

  • Added: @autoloot, @autotrade, @die commands for every player to use. Please don't forget that you can check these very helpful commands available to you by typing @commands in the main chat window.
  • Activated: The official (?) Christmas event from 2006! Go get yourself a Santa Hat from Santa Porings, or hunt Antonio and help Santa Claus in Lutie or whatever (I still haven't started that quest and I don't remember what it was hahaha). There is also some other Xmas event script that I've found in my custom scripts folder that I want to activate later (maybe even later today, we'll see).
  • Changed: Kafra Teleport Service fees to 100z between most of the major towns: Prontera, Izlude, Morroc, Geffen, Alberta, Payon (sorry, no fee reduction for Aldebaran, or towns in the Republic of Schwarzwald, because I want to preserve the mystery surrounding these areas). 1000+z to teleport between main towns where you get your first class is just not doable for an empty server with no economy or priests that you could ask for a free warp. -___-

New Fixes

  • Fixed: Not being able to log into the game because the password is too long. Turned out something is messing with input fields on the client, and if your password / username was longer than 16 characters, it would be truncated and would show you a Wrong Password / Username error. I've fixed it by changing the maximum username / password length on the registration page from 24 characters to 16. (Huge thanks to @araly for letting me know about this issue)

Known Issues

  • The saddest one at the moment: Prontera is a mess. The South Gate and The East Gate warps are not working (you'll have to use Kafra teleport to Izlude if you want to go there) and there are collision errors here and there. I will try to look at the .gat file for this map (going to be my first time doing map tinkering lol), but I'm still not sure if I can fix it from there, and even if I fix it this way — y'all will need to update the client, and I'm not yet ready to work on an auto-patcher program. Wish me luck... X___X
  • My game client comes with the music turned off, lmao. Sorry about this! The music in RO is one of the greatest video game soundtracks, in my opinion, and it makes at least 30% of the whole game's atmosphere, so please don't forget to give it a try by clicking option menu and switching it on. (I'll reupload the client, I promise, lol)
  • There are A LOT of Unknown Items in the game, and I'll have to fix them all eventually. Right now I know that Condors drop one pretty frequently, there is an Ingredient Seller in Morroc that sells only unknown items, and the Morroc bartender's cocktails are also unknown items. Please let me know if you find more unknown items 🙏
  • I would honestly love to rewrite at least the most problematic parts of the NPC scripts, but it's a really big task, so I need to figure out how to handle it first.