Commit fc6ebc

Resizing The Client Window
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- # Resizing the client window
+ [niceRO_-_1080p.swr](/Resizing%20the%20client%20window/niceRO_-_1080p.swr)# Resizing the client window
One of the limitations of the niceRO client is that the UI does not resize for larger resolutions. This makes playing at, say, 1080p, challenging due to the text being very small and icons harder to click. One option for getting around this is to use a program to resize the client window while the internal resolution is set low. This results in a less crisp image, but makes text much easier to read and generally works well given the simple graphics of the game.
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3. Open the program.
**Using a rule preset**
- 1. Download the rule preset for a [1080p monitor](ADD DOWNLOAD LINK) or [1440p monitor](ADD DOWNLOAD LINK) and open it in ShiftWindow.
+ 1. Download the rule preset for a [1080p monitor](/Resizing%20the%20client%20window/niceRO_-_1080p.swr) or [1440p monitor](/Resizing%20the%20client%20window/niceRO_-_1440p.swr) and open it in ShiftWindow.
2. Navigate to your niceRO folder and run setup.exe as administrator. Set the resolution to 1152x864 and click OK.
3. Run ragnarok.exe.
4. In ShiftWindow click "Trigger it" and the client should resize.