Commit d9d479

Nicero Differences
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- EXP scales 100% for all party members.
- There is no level restriction when joining parties.
- You can reset your stats and skills via the Reset Girl in Prontera plaza (1k for stats or skills, or 1.5k for both)
+ - Guild EXP tax is not subtracted from base EXP and can be set as high as 99%.
**Money changes**
+ - Guild level EXP requirements are drastically lower than official servers.
- Kafra Storage is free
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- Kafra Teleport Services reduced to 2500 zeny for Amatsu, Ayonthaya, Gonryun, and Louyang
- Hair style change requirements reduced to 10,000 zeny.
- Inn fees reduced to 500 zeny.
- - Arrows can be purchased from Tool Shops in Al De Baran and Lutie
**Job changes**
+ - Arrows can be purchased from Tool Shops in Al De Baran and Lutie.
- Changed "Gypsy" to "Diva"
+ - Oranges, Grapes, and Strawberries can be purchased from Fruit Merchant in Izlude.
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**Skill changes**
- `/memo` can be used anywhere outside dungeons.
**Misc. changes**
- Pets can be renamed multiple times.
+ - TaeKwon Mission skill does not have a 1% chance of changing mission target if the mission counter is at 0 (the target will always randomly cycle if at 0).
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## Known issues
- These are the server features that are currently broken and are being actively worked on:
- - TaeKwon Missions
## Unsupported content
+ *Nothing so far. Bug reports can be submitted as [cohost asks](*