Commit ac6f99

How To Play
@@ 0,0 1,50@@
+ # How to play
+ niceRO is fairly easy to setup, but because this is a legacy game there are still a few steps involved before you can start crawling the sewers:
+ ## Create your account
+ First, you need to sign up for an account to log on to the server.
+ 1. Visit the control panel at [] or [](
+ 2. Click "Login" in the top nav bar, and then "Register" under the input fields.
+ 3. Add a name (you'll choose a character name later, so just enter something easy to remember).
+ 4. Add a password (make sure to write it down or save it).
+ 5. Enter a recovery word (this will be used if you need to reset your password.
+ 6. Read the rules.
+ 7. Click "Register account."
+ You're account is now ready to use! You can close this page now if you want, or check out [[Using the control panel]] for other things you can learn here.
+ ## Setting up the client
+ To actually play niceRO you will need to use the specific Ragnarok Online client setup for this server.
+ **Downloading and extracting the client**
+ 1. Download the latest version of the client from []( or the [niceRO cohost page](
+ 2. Extract the zip file somewhere (I recommend creating a /games folder in Program Files (x86), but anywhere you can easily access the folder is fine).
+ **Configuring compatibility mode**
+ 1. Open the `niceRO_client` folder, right click on `Setup.exe`, click "Properties," and navigate to the "Compatibility" tab.
+ 2. Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)."
+ 3. Check "Run this program as an administrator."
+ 4. Click "Change high DPI settings," check box boxes, and click "OK."
+ 5. Click "OK" to close the properties window.
+ 6. Complete steps 1-5 for `Ragnarok.exe`.
+ **Adjusting your video settings**
+ 1. Open `Setup.exe` (if the first two dropdown menus are blank, close the window, rename `dbghelp.dll` to `dgbhelp_old.dll` and try again).
+ 2. Select your video card and set your resolution (note: the UI will not resize based on your resolution, so if it's too small I recommend setting a smaller resolution and then enlarging the window using a tool like [Borderless Gaming]( or [Shift Window](
+ 3. Click "OK."
+ ## Launching the game
+ Now that you've completed all the above steps you are (hopefully) finally ready to actually launch the game!
+ 1. Open `Ragnarok.exe`.
+ 2. Click "OK" to select niceRO from the server list (the only option).
+ 3. Enter the name and password you of the account you created from the "Create your account" step.
+ 4. Click "OK" to log on the niceRO (there will now be a number showing how many players are online).
+ 5. Click "Make" to create a new character.
+ Congratulations! You are now officially playing niceRO. If you need help choosing stats for your character [[Choosing starter stats]] for recommendations for each job.