Commit 84e760

Nicero Differences
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- Arrows can be purchased from Tool Shops in Al De Baran and Lutie.
- Oranges, Grapes, and Strawberries can be purchased from Fruit Merchant in Izlude.
- Tool Dealer added to Weapon Shop in Einbroch.
- Increased Success Rates for refining weapons and armor:
+ - Custom @shops command to list all active player shops on your current map (and also mark them on the mini-map)
+ - Max player shop item capacity increased to 13.
| Type | LV1 | LV2 | LV3 | LV4 | LV5 | LV6 | LV7 | LV8 | LV9 | LV10 |
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| LV3 Weapons | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 90 | 80 | 70 | 60 | 50 |
| LV4 Weapons | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 90 | 80 | 70 | 60 | 50 | 50 |
**Item and equipment changes**
- Base level requirement lowered for slotted accessories (Brooch[1], Necklace[1], Glove[1], Ring[1], Rosary[1], and Earring[1]).
+ - Weapons and armor won't be destroyed if refinement fails, but instead decrease their level by 1 (down to the safe level). Current safe levels:
**Job changes**
- Changed "Gypsy" to "Diva"
+ | Type | Safety level |
+ | -------- | -------- |
+ | Armor | 4 |
+ | LV1 Weapons | 7 |
+ | LV2 Weapons | 6 |
+ | LV3 Weapons | 5 |
+ | LV4 Weapons | 4 |
+ - Max storage increased from to 600.
+ - Removed grace period for non-MVP drops.
+ - Changed Rogue's Treasure (#2620) item bonuses to those on RateMyServer
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- Ant Hell is located on moc_fild04. This is either three south of Prontera, taking the south-west exit when possible or going three east and then one north from Morroc.
- Connected Pharos with Izlude and Alberta by sea. You can now go to Beacon Island, Pharos from Izlude and Alberta by sea.
- Emergency Exit when Airship is between Izlude and Yuno.
**Mob changes**
- Removed Gremlin and Rotar Zairo mobs from airships.
+ - New player hub: Prontera Club (name pending). Currently has a host that serves you tea and a pronoun registry NPC for setting pronouns.
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- TaeKwon Mission skill does not have a 1% chance of changing mission target if the mission counter is at 0 (the target will always randomly cycle if at 0).
- Socket Enchanting has a 100% success rate.
- Improved the Thief Class Steal skill algorithm to ensure there's always a chance to steal any non-card item.
**NPC changes**
- Most Kafras can now be used as save points.
+ - Increased all Bard/Dancer/Ensemble skill areas from 5x5 to 11x11.
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- All hair styles can be chosen from the Alberta Hair Stylist.
- Added Card Remover NPC to Prontera.
- Added Fishmonger NPC to Alberta near the fish counter.
**Quest changes**
- Custom quest: Treasure Hunt.
- - Search for Treasure Signs in obscure places all around the world to find zeny and boxes of various kinds. Right now there are 6 Treasure Signs in the game. Check the [niceRO cohost page]( for Geoguessr-style screenshots every week as hints.
- Custom quest: making Sunglasses[1].
- Look for the Sunglasses Trader in Alberta.
- **Misc. changes**
- Pets can be renamed multiple times.
- Pet intimacy doesn't drop when the character dies.
- Pets will attack enemies for you (see [[Pet skills]] for more info).
- Max party size increased to 24 (from 12).
- Console messages when sharing loot in parties indicating who received the item.
- Gendered language removed from Training Grounds script.
## Wishlist
+ - Changed "Ponka Hontas" NPC name to "Pon".
+ - Search for Treasure Signs in obscure places all around the world to find zeny and boxes of various kinds. Right now there are 8 Treasure Signs in the game. Check the [niceRO cohost page]( for Geoguessr-style screenshots every week as hints.
+ **Pet changes**
+ - Added chat message if your pet leaves you.
+ - Increased pet hunger delay by 10 seconds.
+ **Party changes**
+ - When sharing item drops in a party, the item will go to the player who did the most damage out of the mob's HP (instead of the player who did the most damage total, even if it exceeds the mob's HP).
+ - Party drop rate LUK bonus will use the highest LUK stat among all players.
+ **Misc. changes**
+ - Pronouns can be set next to your name by talking to the Pronouns Registry NPC in the Prontera bar. Format is `Name [Pronouns] (Party)`
+ - Edited Marriage NPC scripts to get rid of "groom" and "bride".
+ - Added Priest cut-ins for the Marriage NPC script.
+ - Changed all "umba" language lines to "?" symbols in Umbala NPC scripts.
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## Known issues
- Reading the description of Hunter's `Blitz Beat` and Crusader's `Grand Cross` skills crashes the game.
- Some socket enchantment items are not available (see list below).
**Socket enchantment item status**
+ - Reset Girl may occasionally take your platinum skills away.