Commit 81fc10

Useful Commands
@@ 4,13 4,18@@
## Chat commands
- `@autoloot`: Enables autoloot (loot dropped from mobs will automatically be added to your inventory)
+ - `@commands`: Shows all currently enabled commands on the server.
- `/nc`: Removes the requirement to hold CTRL to continually attack mobs (you will continue to attack them until they die or you click on something else)
- `/ns`: Removes the requirement to hold SHIFT to use positive skills on mobs (useful when playing Acolytes and heal bombing)
- `/organize PARTYNAME`: Allows you to create a party. You can then invite players to join you by right clicking on them and selecting "Invite NAME to party"
- `/leave`: Leave your current party.
- `/bm`: Enables Battle Mode, allowing you to use the Q, A, and Z rows as hotkey rows 2, 3, and 1, respectively. Press ENTER to focus the chatbox when in Battle Mode.
## Hot keys
+ - `sit` and `stand`: does what it says (pressing `INSERT` also works)
- `ALT + J`: Open the pet status window.
+ - `F12`: Open and toggle between your three hotbars.
+ - `ALT + M`: Open your shortcut list to set custom chat macros for `ALT + 1-9`.
+ - `ALT + Y`: Open the command list which lists most chat commands and windows.