Commit 5148be

About The Server/Differences
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- Max storage increased from to 600.
- Removed grace period for non-MVP drops.
- Changed Rogue's Treasure (#2620) item bonuses to those on RateMyServer
+ - Item descriptions have been edited to be gender neutral.
**Job changes**
- - Changed "Gypsy" to "Diva"
+ - Changed "Gypsy" to "Diva."
**Map changes**
+ - Changed "Swordsman" to "Swordian."
- Ant Hell is located on moc_fild04. This is either three south of Prontera, taking the south-west exit when possible or going three east and then one north from Morroc.
+ - Changed "TaeKwon Boy/Girl" to "TaeKwon Kid."
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- Goblins are renamed based on what weapon they have (knife, flair, axe, hammer, or club).
- Kobolds are renamed based on what weapon they have (club, axe, or hammer).
- Mob level shows next to their name.
**Skill changes**
- `/memo` can be used anywhere outside dungeons.
+ - Mob scripts have been cleaned up to remove racist, misogynistic, fatphobic, and otherwise gross lines.
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- Socket Enchanting has a 100% success rate.
- Improved the Thief Class Steal skill algorithm to ensure there's always a chance to steal any non-card item.
- Increased all Bard/Dancer/Ensemble skill areas from 5x5 to 11x11.
**NPC changes**
- Most Kafras can now be used as save points.
+ - Skill description text has been edited to be gender neutral.
+ - Dancer's "Scream" and Bard's "Frost Joke" have been edited to remove misogynistic lines.
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- Pets will attack enemies for you (see [[Pet skills]] for more info).
- Added chat message if your pet leaves you.
- Increased pet hunger delay by 10 seconds.
**Party changes**
- Max party size increased to 24 (from 12).
+ - Pet scripts have been cleaned up to remove racist, misogynistic, fatphobic, and otherwise gross lines.
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- Edited Marriage NPC scripts to get rid of "groom" and "bride".
- Added Priest cut-ins for the Marriage NPC script.
- Changed all "umba" language lines to "?" symbols in Umbala NPC scripts.
## Wishlist
These items are not yet implemented but are planned for sometime in the future:
- - Pronouns
- Universal Hairstyles
- Autopatcher
+ - The camera can be tilted up to 90 degrees (use `Shift + Right Click`).
+ - Multiple client windows can be run at the same time (but different accounts are needed).
## Known issues
+ - Changed "Guildsman" to "Guildmate" in guild system.
- - Reading the description of Hunter's `Blitz Beat` and Crusader's `Grand Cross` skills crashes the game.
- Reset Girl may occasionally take your platinum skills away.
- Some socket enchantment items are not available (see list below).
+ - Super Novice gear is broken and equipping may cause client errors.
+ - Magni's Cap [#5122] is breaking the client.