Commit 4e9f2c

Choosing A Job
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# Choosing a job
Jobs are Ragnarok Online's equivalent of classes, and is the most significant choice you will make by playing. What job you choose will impact the role you play in parties, the skills and equipment you can use, how you gain EXP, and what second job options you will have (but don't worry too much about that right now). This page is meant to provide a high-level overview of each job to make it easier to decide which you should choose. But don't worry too much, you can always create another character and start the grind again.
+ ::: info
+ # Page in progress
## Acolyte
+ This page is being actively added to. Please mind the dust and feel free to expand upon any sections you have knowledge of.
Acolytes are primarily a support class, but can also do big damage against undead enemies. They are difficult to level solo because of their weak offensive capabilities, but always an asset when playing with parties.
+ :::
+ ---
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- Prefer solo grinding wherever you want.
- Dislike waiting for your SP bar to refill.
- ### Solo play
- To be added
- ### Party play
- To be added
- ### Second job options
- To be added
+ >| # Solo play
+ >| To be added
## Archer
Archers excell at range and are sturdy enough to survive most encounters. They are very solo friendly due to being out of reach of most enemies and having decent health, and work well in parties by supplementing melee damage and being able to pull off mobs from groups.
+ >| # Party play
+ >| To be added
+ >| # Second job options
+ >| To be added
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- Want a lot of skills to play with.
- Hate running away from fights and maximizing your positioning.
- ### Solo play
- To be added
- ### Party play
- To be added
- ### Second job options
- To be added
+ >| # Solo play
+ >| To be added
## Mage
Mages are ranged heavyweights, capable of inflicting massage damage on mobs at a safe distance. They are moderately solo friendly due to big damage potential but low health, but excel in parties where they can hide behind beefier jobs.
+ >| # Party play
+ >| To be added
+ >| # Second job options
+ >| To be added
@@ 59,14 66,14@@
- Hate thinking about weakness/resistant element stats.
- Prefer more straightforward combat without as much skill juggling.
- ### Solo play
- To be added
- ### Party play
- To be added
- ### Second job options
- To be added
+ >| # Solo play
+ >| To be added
## Merchant
Merchant is a melee class whose first class forces you to focus on buying, selling, and general preparedness with money and resources. They lack early offensive skills or DPS that makes Swordsman of Thief safe in solo situations. Merchant is is particularly tricky on smaller servers, so Merchants should prepare to struggle for the early levels or to run at least one secondary character alongside their Merchant.
+ >| # Party play
+ >| To be added
+ >| # Second job options
+ >| To be added
@@ 81,14 88,14@@
- Want to have active skills that feel powerful.
- Focus primarily on combat.
- ### Solo play
- To be added
- ### Party play
- To be added
- ### Second job options
- To be added
+ >| # Solo play
+ >| To be added
## Swordman
Swordsmen are the tank class often the first in line when engaging mobs. They are easy to play solo due to their high health and offensive capabilities, but also work great in a party especially with ranged or support jobs.
+ >| # Party play
+ >| To be added
+ >| # Second job options
+ >| To be added
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- Want any ranged attacks.
- Hate managing positioning and marching order.
- ### Solo play
- To be added
- ### Party play
- To be added
- ### Second job options
- To be added
+ >| # Solo play
+ >| To be added
## Thief
To be added
+ >| # Party play
+ >| To be added
- ### Solo play
- To be added
+ >| # Second job options
+ >| To be added
- ### Party play
- To be added
- ### Second job options
- To be added
+ >| # Solo play
+ >| To be added
+ >| # Party play
+ >| To be added
+ >| # Second job options
+ >| To be added